Time: 5:54:59
Distance: 88.58km
Average Speed: 14.9km/h
From the start the wind was very strong today. We had to work for every mile and our average speed for the day ended up being quite low. We only had 1 big climb, the Golanda pass, which took over half an hour to climb. We're staying in typical Nevada town tonight called Winnemucca. The state of Nevada has surprised me so far. Every town is like a poor man's Las Vegas. They even have mini-casinos in petrol stations where you can see about 50 slot machines. Most bars in Nevada are full of slot machines too, which limits the amount of conversation in each place. 1 nice part about the bars is that if you're gambling you don't have to pay for your beer, even if you gamble just a dollar every hour or so.
i love watching the videos, guys! you're almost there!